
[Topic wise IAS Medieval Indian History Question Bank (1979-2015)]: (10) Economy and Society in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries

[Topic wise IAS Medieval Indian History Question Bank (1979-2015)]: (10) Economy and Society in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries

Population, agricultural production, craft production
Towns, commerce with Europe through Dutch, English and French companies: a trade revolution. Indian mercantile classes, banking, insurance and credit systems
Condition of peasants, condition of women
Evolution of the Sikh community and the Khalsa Panth.

Population, agricultural production, craft production

1. Discuss the patterns of land revenue system developed in Medieval India and examine their significant features. [1980, 60m]

2. Review briefly the methods of land-revenue assessment adopted by the Mughals. [1983, 60m]

3. Analyses the distinguishing features of the land revenue system under the Mughals and point out its influence on the strength of the Mughal State. [1989, 60m]

4. Delineate the striking features of agricultural and craft production during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in India. How did they impact the social fabric of the country? [2008, 60m]

5. Write a short essay on: “Estimates of population of Mughal India.” [2009, 20m]

6. State the structure of medieval village society in Northern India. What were the passive forms of resistance of the peasants in the medieval period? [2012, 30m]

7. Will it be correct to say that the rural economy in Mughal India was relatively self-sufficient? [2015, 10m]

Towns, commerce with Europe through Dutch, English and French companies : a trade revolution. Indian mercantile classes, banking, insurance and credit systems

1. Examine the economic condition of the rural agricultural classes and of the urban artisans and traders during the Mughal period. [1979, 60m]

2. Examine the factors which were responsible for opening and development of European trade in India during the 16th and 17th centuries. [1981, 60m]

3. Which were the major European Powers engaged in trade with India in the medieval period? How did they organise their trade and what were the chief items of trade? [1984, 60m]

4. Write a short essay on: “The Mughals and the European trading companies.” [1989, 20m]

5. Do you agree with the view that the advent of the Turks and the Mughals in India heralded many changes in the means of production? Give reasons in support of your answer. [1995, 60m]

6. Give your opinion on the urban development in India during the Mughal times. [2005, 60m]

7. Critically evaluate various approaches to study medieval Indian towns. [2010, 20m]

8. Discuss the different types of Karkhanas in Mughal India. How was the production organized in the different Karkhanas?  [2010, 30m]

9. Medieval Indian towns were merely as extension of villages. Comment. [2012, 10m]

10. Give a sketch of Indian trade with Europe during the Mughal period. [2013, 10m]

11. “India had been for hundreds of years the Lancashire of the Eastern world.” Critically examine this view. [2014, 15m]

12. Analyse the Mughal monetary system and examine their policy of minting of coins. [2014, 20m]

Evolution of the Sikh community and the Khalsa Panth

1. Write a short essay on: “Evolution of the Khalsa Panth” Comment. [2008, 20m]

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