
[Topic wise IAS Medieval Indian History Question Bank (1979-2015)]: (2) Cultural Traditions in India, 750- 1200

[Topic wise IAS Medieval Indian History Question Bank (1979-2015)]: (2) Cultural Traditions in India, 750- 1200

Philosophy: Skankaracharya and Vedanta, Ramanuja and Vishishtadvaita, Madhva and Brahma Mimansa
Religion: Forms and features of religion, Tamil devotional cult, growth of Bhakti, Islam and its arrival in India, Sufism
Literature: Literature in Sanskrit, growth of Tamil literature, literature in the newly developing languages, Kalhan’s Rajtarangini, Alberuni’s India
Art and Architecture: Temple architecture, sculpture, painting

Philosophy: Skankaracharya and Vedanta, Ramanuja and Vishishtadvaita, Madhva and Brahma Mimansa

1. How did Sankaracharya seek to integrate the different religions cults in India? [1981, 20m]

2. Write a short essay on: “Shankaracharya’s philosophy and its impact.” [1987, 20m]

3. “Sankaracharya brought about a synthesis of ideas and philosophies.” Discuss the statement and analyse the historical significance of his life and thought. [1990, 60m]

4. Write a short essay on: “The Vedanta of Sankaracharya” [2001, 20m]

Religion: Forms and features of religion, Tamil devotional cult, growth of Bhakti, Islam and its arrival in India, Sufism

1. Give an account of the impact of Islam on Indian culture in respect of society, religion and fine arts. [1980, 60m]

2. Write a short essay on: “Significance of the Bhakti Movement” [1987, 20m]

3. Trace influence of Islam on Indian culture and civilization. [1999, 60m]

4. Write a short essay on: “The Sufi Movement and its role in promoting communal harmony” [2000, 20m]

5. Evaluate the impact of the Sufi and Bhakti Movements on vernacular languages and life and thought of the common people. [2001, 60m]

6. Write a short essay on: “Origin of the Bhakti Movement” [2002, 20m]

7. Write a short essay on: “Sufi Movements” [2003, 20m]

8.”The tenets of Hindu and Muslim mystics were similar enough that the ground was ripe for syncretic movements involving adherents of both religious.” Elucidate. [2005, 60m]

9. Write a short essay on: “Sufism in North India” [2006, 20m]

10. “The tenets of Hindu and Muslim mystics were similar enough that the ground was ripe for syncretic movements involving adherents of both religious.” Elucidate. [2007, 60m]

11. What are the manifestations of Tamil devotional cults? How do you account for their growth between C. 750 and C. 1200 CE? [2008, 60m]

12. Assess the contribution of the Acharyas in the development of the ideological basis of Bhakti. [2012, 10m]

13. Bhakti and mysticism of Lal Ded emerged as a social force in Kashmir. Comment. [2013, 10m]

14. “Sufis and medieval mystic saints failed to modify either the religious ideas and practices or the outward structure of Islamic/Hindu societies to any appreciable extent.” Comment for/against. [2015, 10m]

Literature: Literature in Sanskrit, growth of Tamil literature, literature in the newly developing languages, Kalhan’s Rajtarangini, Alberuni’s India

1. Discuss the salient features of Indian society on the eve of the campaigns of Mahmud of Ghazni, with particular reference to the observations made by Al-Biruni. [1989, 60m]

2. Write a short essay on: “AI- Biruni’s India” [1998, 20m]

3. Write a short essay on: “Kalhan as a historian” [2003, 20m]

4. Attempt a critical essay of the Indian Science and Civilization in the light of Alberuni’s writings. What merits and drawbacks, do you find in his account? [2003, 60m]

5. Write a short essay on: “Alberuni on science in India” [2007, 20m] 6. Assess Kalhana’s views on History. [2009, 20m]

7. Evaluate Rajtarangini as a source of history. [2012, 10m]

8. Evaluate the ‘Kitab al-Hind’ of Alberuni as a source of history of India. [2014, 15m]

Art and Architecture: Temple architecture, sculpture, painting

1. Discuss the role of the Rashtrakutas for the mastery of Kanauj and assess their contribution to art and culture. [1992, 60m]

2. Do you agree with the view that the form and content of temple architecture in South India between c. A.D. 750 and 1200 were products of a specific economic and political milieu?  [1994, 60m]

3. Critically evaluate the contribution of Rashtrakutas to art and culture. [1999, 60m]

4. How far do you agree with the view that temples in early medieval period were catalysts in spreading education? [2010, 30m]

5. Discuss the Cauraoncashika and Jain styles of paintings. Can the Cauraoncashika style truly be called the precursor of pothi format? [2012, 10m]

6. Give a brief account of the early medieval temple architecture of Kashmir. [2015, 10m]

7. Why is Mamallapuram famous? [2015, 10m]

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