
GS Mains IAS Previous Years Question Paper 2 – 1988

GS Mains IAS Previous Years Question Paper 2 – 1988


1. Discuss the methods by which Parliament controls public expenditure in India. (About 250 words)     40


(b) What do you consider are the problems of National Integration in India? Suggest suitable remedies. (About 250 words)


2. (a) Discuss the problem of rural unemployment in India. What specific schemes have been launched by the Government to generate employment opportunities in rural areas? (About 250 words)               40


(b) Discuss the contribution of public sector enterprises to the economic development of India. Are these enterprises generating enough resources for further investment in the economy?  (About 250 words)

3. (a) Trace the growth of Science museums in India. Examine their role in promoting science awareness and the spirit of scientific temper among the common   people.(About 250 words)                              40


(b) What is Integrated Pest Control Management? Comment on its current status in the Country? (About 250 words)


4. Answer ant two of the following (Answer to each question should be in about 150 words):      20+20

(a) What the major commitments of the Constitution of India are as incorporated in its preamble?

(b) Explain the concept of Minorities in the Indian Constitution and mention the safeguards provided therein or their protection.

(c) Examine the role and functions of the State Governors as set out in the Constitution of India.

(d) Explain the Constitutional responsibilities of the Election Commission of India.


5. Answer ant two of the following (Answer to each question should be in about be in about 150 words):


(a) There is renewed emphasis on district planning in India. Examine its rationale, Past experience and scope for success

(b) Examine the debt burden of the Government on India. Is the country heading towards a ‘debt trap’?

(c) Discuss the progress of Indian economy during ‘Forty years of Freedom.’ What structural changes do you think, have taken place in the economy?

(d) What are ‘administered prices’ and what their role is? Examine their impact on the general price level.


6. Answer any two of the following (Answer to each question should be in about 150 words):                                                               20+20

(a) States the types of environmental pollution and some of the place where it has occurred due to the progress of industrialization in India.

(b) Which parts of India were mainly affected by the serve drought of 1987-88? What were its main consequences?

(c) What are black soils ? Give their distribution in India and explain their uses and problems.

(d) Mention any three tribal areas in India. What are the main components of the Government’s tribal development programme ?


7. Answer any two of the following (Answer to each question should be in about 150 words):                20+20

(a) The Government of India has recently set up a Department of Food Processing. What are its functions?

(b) Some experts are of the opinion that the dams and the reservoirs located in different parts of the country may lead to undesirable consequences. How far are these fears justified?

(c) What are the aims of the New Technology Policy? What steps are being taken to improve the standards of technical education?

(d) What is fluorosis? What can be done to minimize its harmful effects?



8. Answer four question from Group A , three  from Group B and three from Group C. (Answer to each question should be in about 25 words):    30


(a) Name the direct and indirect taxes levied by the Government of India. Which of these yields the highest amount of revenue?

(b) What is Minimum Wages? Is there any such provision in India?

(c) What are lead banks?

(d) What is the HBJ pipe line? What will it carry, from where to where, and for what purpose?

(e) What is shifting cultivation, and where is it carried on?

(f) Where is the Desert National Park situated in India? Why has it been created?



(a) What do you understand by ‘Zero-hour’ in the conduct of business in parliament?

(b) State the Parliament of the members of the Parliament?

(c) Explain the significance of Article 370 in the Constitution of India.

(d) What is the objective of the Commission of Inquiry (Amendment) Bill of 1986?

(e) What is meant by collective responsibility of Parliamentary democracy?

(f) Why India is called a Republic?


(a) What is El Nino? How is it relevant to India?

(b) What is a “Compact Disc”?

(c) Explain the meaning and the uses of gene therapy.

(d) What are the harmful consequences of excessive noise?

(e) Advances in biotechnology unknown in nature. What are their uses?

(f) What is Ozone pollution ?

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