
Daily Problem Practice for History (DPPH): 28 February

DPPH: 28 February

The following items consist of two statements : one labelled as the Assertion (A) and the others as Reason (R)’ Yeu are to examine these two statements carefully and select the answers to these items using the codes given below :
Codes :

(a) Both (A) and (R) are individually true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)

(b) Both (A) and (R) are individually true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)

(c) (A) is true but (R) is false

(d) (A) is false but (R) is true

1. Assertion (A) : Lord Ripon resigned before the term of his  viceroyalty was  over.

Reason (R) : The British Government was annoyed by the Ilbert bill  and  forced him  to resign.

2. Assertion (A) : The Constituent Assembly of 1946 was  not  elected  on  the  basis  of  universal  adult franchise.

Reason (R)  :  Gandhiji  had  desired  that  the  very best talent available in the country must be involved in the task of the making of the Constitution.

3. Assertion (A) : The Congress Working Committee and  the  AICC  passed  a  resolution  against  the Mountbatten  Plan.

Reason (R) : Mountbatten Plan sought to affect an early transfer  of power  on  the  basis  of  Dominion Status to two successor  states, India  and  Pakistan.

4. Assertion (A) : In the early years of the Indian National Congress, it was decided to rotate the Congress Session among dlfferent parts of the country.

Reason (R) : The very early leadership of the Congress, wanted to take up the issue of social reform of different parts of the country.

5. Assertion A : The Khilafat movement did bring the urban Muslims into the fold of the.National Movement.

Reason R: There was a predominant elements of anti-imperialism in both the National and Khilafat Movement.

6. Assertion A : Partition of Bengal in 1905 brought to an end the Moderates role in the Indian freedom movement.

Reason R: The Surat session of Indian National Congress separated the Extremists from the Moderates.

7. Assertion A : The first ever Bill to make primary education compulsory in India was rejected in 1911

Reason R: Discontent would have increased every cultivator could read.

8. Assertion A : Gandhi stopped the Non-Co-operation Movement in 1922.

Reason R :  Violence at Chauri Chaura led him to stop the movement.

9. Assertion A : The congress rejected the cripps proposals.
Reason R  : The cripps Mission consisted solely of whites.

10. Assertion  (A):  Amir  Khusrau’works  incorporate Hindi  verses.

Reason  (R):  Amir  Khusrau  showed  respect  for Hindi  and  bad  little  reservation in  using  it in  his

Mains Type Quedtions:

Q. “The vernacular press in the nineteenth century was both newspaper as well as ‘views- papers’ that enlightened the dormant masses.” Comment. (200 words)

Q. Orientalism produced a knowledge of the past to service the needs of the Colonial States.” Elucidate. (200 words)

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