
Q. “Firoze Shah (Tughluq) was an enlightened and humane ruler and his administration is notes for the humanitarian measures that conducted to the prosperity and happiness of his people.” Justify. [BPSC-60-62nd] OR Evaluate the personality of Firoz Shah Tughlaq in the light of his religious policy and public works. फिरोज शाह तुगलक की धार्मिक नीति तथा सार्वजनिक निर्माण कार्यों के आलोक में उसके व्यक्तित्व का मूल्यांकन कीजिए। [BPSC-2001]

Q. “Firoze Shah (Tughluq) was an enlightened and humane ruler and his administration is noted for the humanitarian measures that conducted to the prosperity and happiness of his people.” Justify. [BPSC-60-62nd] OR Evaluate the personality of Firoz Shah Tughlaq in the light of his religious policy and public works. फिरोज शाह तुगलक की धार्मिक नीति […]

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