
Major philosophical thinkers and schools: Six Schools of Indian Philosophy

Major philosophical thinkers and schools: Six Schools of Indian Philosophy Once the state and the varna-divided social order had been firmly established, the ancient thinkers advocated that a person should strive for the attainment of four goals. These were: regulation of the social order or dharma, economic resources or artha, physical pleasures or kama, and […]

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Major philosophical thinkers and schools: The Systems of Indian Philosophy

Major philosophical thinkers and schools: The Systems of Indian Philosophy  The Vedas are the oldest scriptures in the world. The Indian philosophical systems are classified according as they accept the authority of the Vedas or not. The systems of Indian philosophy are classified into two groups: The Orthodox Systems (astika or theistic) The Unorthodox Systems […]

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Spread of Jainism and Buddhism: Part III

Spread of Jainism and Buddhism: Part III Similarities between Jainism and Buddhism Both Jainism and Buddhism originally derived their ideas from the Upanishadas and both had a common background of Aryan culture. Both of them were products of the prevailing pessimistic spirit of the time. Both appeared as revolts against orthodox Brahmanical Hinduism. Both […]

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Major philosophical thinkers and schools: Ajivika and Charvaka School

Major philosophical thinkers and schools: Ajivika and Charvaka School By and large, the six systems of philosophical teaching promoted the idealistic view of life. All of them became paths of attaining salvation. The Samkhya and Vaisheshika systems advanced the materialistic view of life. Kapila, the earliest exponent of the Samkhya, teaches that a man’s life […]

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