
Discuss the origin and the salient features of Indian Feudalism. How for was its different to the European Feudalism? भारतीय सामन्तवाद की उत्पत्ति एवम् प्रमुख तत्त्वों की विवेचना कीजिए। यह यूरोप के सामन्तवाद से किस प्रकार भिन्न था? [BPSC, 1993] OR Discuss the nature and impact of feudalism during the Rajput period. राजपूत काल में सामन्तवाद के स्वरूप एवं प्रभाव का विवेचन कीजिए। [BPSC, 2001]

Q. Discuss the origin and the salient features of Indian Feudalism. How for was its different to the European Feudalism? भारतीय सामन्तवाद की उत्पत्ति एवम् प्रमुख तत्त्वों की विवेचना कीजिए। यह यूरोप के सामन्तवाद से किस प्रकार भिन्न था? [BPSC, 1993] OR Discuss the nature and impact of feudalism during the Rajput period. राजपूत काल […]

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Regional States during Gupta Era: Religious sects- Part I

Regional States during Gupta Era: Religious sects- Part I Brahmanical revival and transformation of Brahmanism into Hinduism: The Gupta period (c. 300–600 CE) is often seen as a phase of ‘Brahmanical revival’ or a consolidation of Brahmanical ideology. This is reflected in the establishment of Sanskrit as the language of royal inscriptions and the increasing […]

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