
GS Mains IAS Previous Years Question Paper 2 – 1989

GS Mains IAS Previous Years Question Paper 2 – 1989


1. (a) Define the duties and powers of the Comptroller and Auditor General of Indian in regard to Audit and show how the Constitution provides for his independence from Executive Control.(About 250 words)        40


(b) Discuss the power, privileges and immunities of the Indian Parliament.(About 250 words)                    40


(b) Discuss the power, privileges and immunities of the Indian Parliament.(About 250 words)


2. (a) Distinguish between the status, organization and specific roles of the Planning Commission and the Finance Commission in India.(About 250 words)                                        40


(b) What are the basic objectives of agricultural price policy of the Government of India & how is it implemented? (About 250 words)


3. (a) The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research has established a number of laboratories for interacting with industry and development of indigenous technologies. Citing specific example, point out the significant achievements of CSIR in the last one decade. (About 250 words)            40


(b) India is planning to provide for the generation and distribution of 38,000 MW of electric power in the Eighth Plan. How are these objectives to be achieved? What are the constraints that are likely to be met with? (About 250 words)



4. Answer any two of the following (Answer to reach question should be in about 150 words):              20+20

(a) Examine the powers and functions of the spaker of the Lok Sabha.

(b) Explain the relevance of Rajya Sabha as a second chamber in the Federal set-up of the Indian Parliamentary System.

(c) Discuss the relationship between the Executive and the legislative wings with reference to India.

(d) Describe the organization and function of the committee system in Indian Parliament.


5. Answer any two of the following (Answer to each question should be in about 150 words):               20+20

(a) What are the main components of the no-plan expenditure of the Government of India? Discuss the recent trends in the growth of this expenditure.

(b) Despite having high saving and investment rates. India is Experience a low growth rate. Why is it so?

(c) What is the economic rationale for undertaking the Backward Area Development Programme? Discuss the specific measures taken by the Government in this direction.

(d) What is meant by a high cost economy? Has India developed into a high cost economy and if so, how?


6. Answer any two of the following 9Answer to each question should be in about 150 words):              15+15

(a) What are the salient features of the hill economy of Northern India, and how do these account for its relative backwardness?

(b) How has modern technology contributed to a better forecasting of weather? Mention the particular efforts made in India in This regards.

(c) What geopolitical and economic advantages are enjoyed by India due to its location in the southern part of the Continent of Asia?

(d) Examine the production and supply of edible oil in India. What are its main source crops and where are they grown? Do we have to import edible oil?


7. Answer any two of the following (Answer to each question should be in about 150 words):              20+20

(a) Describe the important new techniques which are being introduced in India for crop improvement.

(b) It has been estimated that there are more than four million leprosy patients in India. What steps are being taken by the Government of India for their treatment and rehabilitation?

(c) What are the non-conventional sources of energy relevant in the Indian Context? Comment on the status of the technologies available for their utilization.

(d) Water-conservation has assumed and urgency, particularly in drought prone areas. What are the methods available for controlling water evaporation from large surface (e.g. ponds and tanks) and improving the water-holding capacity of the soil?



8. Answer four question from Group A, three question from Group B and three question from Group C. (Answer to each question should be in about 25 words)                                    30



(a) What is NABARD and what is its main role?

(b) What are mutual funds? Do we have such funds in India?

(c) What are ‘economic’ offences? Name two such offences and the laws enacted in India to deal with them.

(d) What is meant by population explosion? Has it occurred in India?

(e) Which part of India has developed comparatively more marine-based industries and why?

(f) Name the minerals used in generating nuclear energy and the places where they are found in India.



(a) What is meant by a Cut Motion in Parliament? Mention its different kinds.

(b) Discuss the value of the consultative committees attached to the different Ministries of the Government of India?

(c) Distinguish between a starred question and an unstirred one asked in the Parliament.

(d) How is breach of Parliament Privilege different from Contempt of the House?

(e) “There are certain spheres where the Rajya Sabha alone has the authority.” What are they?

(f) Explain what is a point of order? When can it be raised?



(a) Give the names of three missiles developed by India under the Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme. Briefly mention their capabilities.

(b) What are “anabolic steroids”? Give one example. Why have they been in the news recently?

(c) How do “quartz watches” keep accurate time?

(d) What is ultrasound? States Two of its uses in modern medical practice.

(e) What is a “Computer virus”? What are its effects? Is there a remedy?

(f) What is meant by a “stealth aircraft”? Mention two “stealth Technological techniques” used in such an aircraft.


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